Monday, April 30, 2007

The Chrono shredder!


Booze Belt Will Transform You Into Drunk Cowboy

Once in a while, Gizmodo comes across that rare object, that invention that showcases the amazing nature of human genius and the never-ending quest for perfection that lifts the spirits of every man and woman in the planet.
That gadget is clearly not the Booze Belt, something that celebrates two of the finest american traditions: shooting and getting drunk, but not necessarily in that order. It includes two holsters for your favorite alcohol bottles and six slots to hold your shot glasses, which come with the pack. The Booze Belt costs $89.99, tequila, limes and salt not included. The pic of the model holding her pistols after the jump is, sadly, completely free.


联想将发布一款与奥运火炬相结合的“奥运会火炬典藏版笔记本电脑”,这款产品的外壳以经典象征千年中国印象的“漆红色”色彩与“祥云”图案交相辉映,视觉效果冲击力十足。……12.1英寸WXGA液晶屏幕,分辨率高达1280*800像素,符合16:10宽屏比例。此外,这款笔记本整合了多种无线应用,实现了三网合一、全面无线。处理器方面,联想笔记本奥运火炬典藏版机纪念型采用了英特尔低压版双核处理器,在低功耗的前提下实现了强大的运算效能,配合集成的高性能GMA950 显卡也足以满足日常使用中的各种娱乐需求。–163新闻

Sunday, April 29, 2007


When and where the umbrella originated is not quite clear. What we do know is that SENZ Umbrellas does a big step forward in the evolution of umbrellas.
Accordingly, "The aerodynamic SENZ Original is the first umbrella that will never go inside-out: It easily slices its way through all winds, from an afternoon breeze to strong autumn gusts. The SENZ Original is unique for always finding the best position in the wind, which requires minimum effort. Playing with the wind has become not only easy and comfortable, it's extremely fun too!"
Most surprisingly is probably its asymmetrical design that combines a perfect sight with rain protection. Just like airplane wings and Olympic speed-skating suits, the umbrellas have been tested at the wind tunnels of the Delft University of Technology - this one promises to be windproof up to wind force 10.
For these Dutch industrial designers, the rainy climate in the Netherlands was probably the perfect ingredient for this kind of innovation.

Portable Beverage Heater便携式饮料加热器

Portable Beverage Heater solves a common problem for coffee and tea drinkers: reheating the cup with available methods often heats the mug and not the liquid. The Portable Beverage Heater is a molded plastic, single-use device that can be clipped to the side of a mug. It creates heat from solid and organic body form using fuel cell and its thermographic ink changes color to indicate when the beverage is hot. Portable Beverage Heater will keep your coffee warm, until your long and tired conference is ended.Designer: Seungheon Lee

Friday, April 27, 2007



Sunday, April 22, 2007

Vase made by bees蜜蜂做的花瓶

With a Little Help of the Bees by Tomas Gabzdil Libertiny of Studio Libertiny is part of Droog’s Smart Deco 2 show. Libertiny made a vase-shaped hive that the bees then colonised, building a hexagon comb around it. The wax sheets used to make the hive were embossed with a honeycomb pattern to help the bees on their way. Libertiny calls the process “slow prototyping” - it took 40,000 bees a week to make the vase. Since the bees get aggressive when they are interrupted, Libertiny had to guess when it was time to remove the vase. Libertiny sent us this statement: — “I have been interested in contradicting the current consumer society (which is interested in slick design) by choosing to work with a seemingly very vulnerable and ephemeral material - beeswax. “To give a form to this natural product it has occurred more than logical to choose a form of a vase as a cultural artifact. Beeswax comes from flowers and in the form of a vase ends up serving flowers on their last journey. “At this point I asked myself a question: “Can I make this product already at the place where the material originates?” My ambition to push things further led me to alienate the process by which bees make their almost mathematically precise honeycomb structures and direct it to create a fragile and valuable object – like a pearl. This takes time and time creates value. “Not meaning it as an euphemism, I called this process “slow prototyping”. It took 1 week and around 40.000 bees to create a honeycomb vase.”


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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Human Ash Bird Feeder

While some designers aim to shock just for the sake of it, others are sensitively attempting to solve problems related to issues that were once considered taboo. "Death is taboo - in fact it is one of the last taboos in Western society," says Nadine Jarvis, one of many designers exploring issues such as cremation and burial. "Death is something that everyone has to deal with, yet there aren't many options for our treatment of the deceased, and certainly none are very challenging to our existing belief systems" These bird feeders are made of bird food, beeswax and human ashes. As the birds peck away, the urn disintegrates, leaving behind a wooden perch inscribed with memorial details about the deceased. "The ash is mixed with the bird food, causing the bird to eat the person," says Jarvis.
Designer: Nadine Jarvis


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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Future by Design Trailer, William Gazecki Director


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Nokia 888 Design



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INDEX:2007-BASF HEAT Concepts,抗热绝缘塑料

INDEX:2007 HOME类,由BASF AG和IDEO设计,Ultrason®塑料是一种可抗220°C,并且绝缘的聚合体(而且抗摔,抗刮划,抗冲击,热水、蒸汽以及化学品不会对它产生破坏),给设计师带来新的空间,特别是那些电热电器,不必为那些因安全考虑的空间而绞尽脑汁。BASF HEAT Concepts是用Ultrason®来作的一些概念设计例子。如上图这个灯,可以把体积降到最小,比如下面这个多士炉,不需要用机械定时器来决定是否烤好了面包,而是直接看就行。还有这个衣架,让你熨衣服变得简单,用热来吹干衣服,靠张力来熨平衣服。

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RoundUp Hose Wheel

The Hose Wheel solves problems of storage, maintenance and use that occur with common garden hose reel storage products. This all-in-one unit allows the user to unroll and rewind the garden hose without having to pull or touch the hose. The unit travels to point of use, thus avoiding kinks, tangles and dirty hands. The short hose feature allows the user to reach the distance of a seventy-five foot garden hose while only having to deal with six. Though the concept shows a shorter length of hose being used, longer lengths could be used to suit the needs and wants of the user. Designer: Matthew Swinton

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Teak Trivet

Straightforward good looks and the use of high quality materials make this trivet design a welcome departure from other products in this category which are typically flimsy or overly decorative. Constructed of solid teak and stainless steel, this everyday kitchen tool is built to last in both form and function.