Friday, October 20, 2006

Top 19 Tips To Get The Most From Your Nokia N91

A few weeks ago, I posted my review for the Nokia N91, a music playing smartphone with a 4GB hard drive. I had concluded that as a music player, the N91 worked great, but as a smartphone, it fell a few steps short of perfection due to a few software issues. It was still fundamentally a good phone, but a little rough around the edges: with 4GBs to handle, some of the applications and features that worked flawlessly on models with smaller memory were choking a little on all those bytes.
Well, some time has passed, and things are looking a lot better. For one, there’s been a firmware upgrade (which I’ve installed) and I’m happy to report that things are running much more smoothly… though not completely flawlessly. I’d have to upgrade my smartphone rating to 8.5/10, up from a 7. And, there’s been lots of discussion here and there about ways of making the most out of the device. So, after the jump, I present to you a rather exhaustive list of tips that should allow you to squeeze all the juice out of the N91. If you’ve dropped the cash on this phone, it might be worth it to take a look or two.
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